Instructions for Piano Music Wire: Installation, Care, & More(Post)
Below you will find installation instructions for piano music wire as well as other general information on the strings that could be very important to their life and lasting quality.About the Pr ...
Instructions for Piano Bass Strings: Installation, Care, & More(Post)In this article, we will go through some general information on bass strings, how to care for them, and how to install them properly.Custom vs. Universal Bass StringsThe below information will be esp ...
How Do I become a Piano Technician?(Post)How Do I become a Piano Technician? - First StepsWelcome to our Series on Piano Tuning and Repair. A question I hear often is, "How do I become a piano technician". This video is the first in a serie ...
Your First 100 Paying Customers(Post)Your First 100 (Paying) Customers (Piano Tuning and Repair)Welcome to our Series on Piano Tuning and Repair.One of the challenges of starting out as a new piano technician is getting your base of cus ...
How to Fix a Sticking Jack(Post)Fixing a Sticking Jack (Piano Tuning and Repair)Welcome to our Series on Piano Tuning and Repair.One of the most common causes of a sticking piano key is a jack that won't return. There are a couple ...
I Want to Recondition My Piano, but Where Do I Start?(Post)So, you have a piano that may need some sprucing up. There are some things that can be done without going into a full restoration. The first step would be to evaluate the different parts ...
How to Buy A Used Piano(Post)In today’s article from Howard Piano Industries I will be giving you some ideas, tips, and hints on what to look for when you’re purchasing a used piano. The most common place to look for a used pi ...
Fixing Sticking Piano Keys by Adjusting the Keyslip(Page) Cleaning the Inside of a Vertical Piano(Page) Using a Piano Wire Canister(Page) Spinet Piano Action Details(Page) Evaluating a Spinet Piano for Needed Repairs(Page) A Piano Shopping Experience on Craigslist(Page) Clicking Sounds from a Loose Piano Hammer Head(Page) Grand Piano Hammer Shank Replacement(Page) Tying a Broken Piano String(Page) Buying a Used Piano - What to Look For(Page) CA Glue - Types & Uses in Piano Repair Work(Page) Product Instructions(Page)We now offer instructions for some of our products. We hope these instructions help you better use the products you have purchased, give you helpful tips, or help guide you in which product may be be ...
Regulating the Hammer Blow Distance in a Grand Piano(Page)Adjusting Hammer Blow Distance on a Grand Piano Action (Piano Tuning and Repair) Welcome to our Series on Piano Tuning and Repair. The first step in the actual regulation process of a grand piano ...